So, I am trying to get back into the habit of updating this blog as well as using the free online spelling help, I really like KidsSpell because I am able to make a custom spelling list using the spelling words we have that week.
This is a great tool for the homeschooler as well as any parent who wants to help their child with spelling practice. Anyone can take the spelling list they have and make a custom spelling list.
When we first started doing spelling I would give the girls 10 spelling words and they came up with 2 bonus words, one each. We have been doing 20 words a week for a few years now. They also each get to pick 3 bonus words. They are in a Harry Potter phase so each of the 6 words this week is Harry Potter related.
The only rule for bonus words is that I get final say. If I feel a word is too easy I can say no. Sometimes I let them have an easier one just for fun or because they have some words that week. The girls have been trying to sneak "Harry" and "Potter" in to their bonus words but I have rejected both of those.
Here is the custom list link:
Week of October 17, 2011
Busy Bees Academy
Take a step inside our homeschool.
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Making Soap
For school I thought it would be fun if we tried to make our own handsoap. Okay, so we didn't start from complete scratch! We got some soap from Garden of Francis, an online Homeschool, Montessori & Homemaking store.
Their soaps are all safe and easy to use even with young children. You can choose vegetable oil or animal fats.
The girls and I had a blast melting the soap and adding color, scents, and a few exfoliants that we had picked up from Michaels earlier.
When you order the soap it also comes with a basic soap making booklet that gets you started on the right track. The girls want to sell a few of their creations on my Etsy site as well as using them as gifts.
We decided to also do a give away. Please leave in the comments what your favorite soaps are. Deadline is July 10th. Winner will be picked at random on July 11th, and notified by email.

Of course we had to try the soap to make sure that it worked well!
Their soaps are all safe and easy to use even with young children. You can choose vegetable oil or animal fats.
The girls and I had a blast melting the soap and adding color, scents, and a few exfoliants that we had picked up from Michaels earlier.
When you order the soap it also comes with a basic soap making booklet that gets you started on the right track. The girls want to sell a few of their creations on my Etsy site as well as using them as gifts.
We decided to also do a give away. Please leave in the comments what your favorite soaps are. Deadline is July 10th. Winner will be picked at random on July 11th, and notified by email.
Here the girls are grating the soap into a pan and stirring it to melt the soap so we could reshape the soap.
Monday, April 12, 2010
National D.E.A.R. Day
Well, we are moved into our first home. Okay, to be more truthful, everything is in the house--half still in boxes!
Today is National D.E.A.R. Day--Drop Everything And Read! We love books and reading in our house! So, this is an exciting thing, and easy for us to do with half our house still in boxes.
Schools and libraries across the nation are celebrating this with special reading programs. We are going to celebrate at our school, by reading for at least half an hour today.
Today is also Beverly Cleary's birthday!
Let's get reading!!!
Today is National D.E.A.R. Day--Drop Everything And Read! We love books and reading in our house! So, this is an exciting thing, and easy for us to do with half our house still in boxes.
Schools and libraries across the nation are celebrating this with special reading programs. We are going to celebrate at our school, by reading for at least half an hour today.
Today is also Beverly Cleary's birthday!
Let's get reading!!!
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Review--Expedition Australia

We have just about finished our unit study on Australia. We used the E-book, Expedition Australia. You can purchase this E-book from for $7.95. Or you can buy the Welcome Spring Bundle for $24.00 and get Expedition Australia, Pizza Party, Spring Surprises, Kite Capers, and you will get Birthday Bonanza for FREE! This E-book is geared for grades K-4th.
My 2nd and 3rd grader enjoyed this unit though I did skip some things that were too elementary for them. And as the parent and teacher we have a great idea what level our kids are at. Like with this unit they had you cut out mama kangaroos in different colors and they were suppose to match the joeys to the mamas of the same color. At 7 and 8 they have long mastered their colors so I skipped this activity. For a Kindergartner this would be great reinforcement of skills and concepts being taught.
I would rather introduce concepts that might be a little harder for them than to keep introducing concepts that they have mastered. I would rather they be challenged than bored. I do try to keep a balance of things that they will be able to master quickly with those that are really challenging, because I don't want them to end up frustrated.
I wanted to study each of the continents in a little more detail. After we study each continent I want to then pick certain countries to study. And in the case with the USA we will then study each state.
I bought a little passport booklet from our local school supply store, and we will add a sticker or stamp for each place that we "visit." This will be an easy way for me to keep track of what we have studied in just a glance.
This unit is actually a lapbook. For those of you who are not familiar with lapbooks, the basic concept is that at the end of your study of a particular subject your child will have a completed project to show what they have learned. The lapbook is made by each student and it is a representation of their work, so for you perfectionist parents/teachers this is where you will need to step back and let them do this on their own.
To build a lapbook you take a file folder and have your child decorate it with information they have learned. There are many different websites out there about how to build lapbooks, so I won't take the time to describe it in this post. I will save that for a later post.
The E-book is meant to take you a week to complete. The unit is broken up into 5 lessons--one per day. This E-book is meant to at the end have your student end up with both a lapbook and a themed notebook is you desire. I didn't worry about keeping all the papers and putting them into a notebook, but we did do the lapbook. That's one reason homeschooling is so great, you get to decide what to do with your kids work--what to save and what to toss.
Like always I started by reading through the whole thing myself and deciding what we would and would not use. I then printed out the pages that my girls would need and skipped the ones we would not use.
I loved that this E-book is downloadable as soon as you purchase it and I could get the materials right away instead of waiting for it to arrive in the mail. But again there is something to be said about a physical book that you hold in your hands that you turn the pages. I made the decision to go with this E-book because there was not a ton of information to read in the E-book, but it did have a lot of links to many additional resources online.
When we do a lapbook I like to keep all the pieces in a Ziploc bag with each girls name on the front. And then when we have completed all the work we then spend an afternoon putting it together. This allows the girls to see where everything will be placed before it is glued down and they can move pieces around. This also allows us to know if we will need to glue another file folder or two together.
Expedition Australia is full of tons of great information. You will learn about animals native to Australia like koalas, kangaroos, wombats, platypus, and tasmanian devils--my girls love learning about animals so we spent a bit of time looking up more information about these animals.
They also cover places in Australia and the language of Australia. You will also learn about the culture, continents, and study maps of Australia.
This E-book covers History, Geography, Reading, Writing, Science, Spelling, Vocabulary, Art and more.
This is a great start to our journey around the world, I think we will be taking more than 80 days to do it in though!
Journey Around Thre World,
Unit Study
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Review: Wanna Be Series--Firefighter

We just got done using the E-book When I Grow Up, I Want To Be. . .A Firefighter from the Wanna Be Series. You can purchase this E-book, for $8.95 as well as others in the series at Other books in the series include those about being a Veterinarian, Chef, Military, Doctor, Police Officer, Missionary, Artist, Pilot, and Farmer.
This book is for ages 4-10, but I myself learned a lot that I didn't know about firefighters. This 82 page E-book is full of knowledge and activities that will keep you learning for days. Use it as a unit study on its own or to reinforce things that you are already learning about.
You will learn about the history of firefighters, here the story of being a firefighter from a real life firefighter, fire dogs, and what types of emergencies firefighter respond to. You will also learn about the pay scale of firefighters, building codes, and how robots help firefighters do their job better and more efficiently.
There are math worksheets, comprehension worksheets, writing prompts, and copy work in both manuscript as well as cursive. You get to build your own robotic arm, read bible verses, coloring pages, and there are even crosswords and word searches included. Also included are physical fitness games based on being a firefighter, making a firetruck out of a shoebox, and even helps for having a firefighter themed party complete with a fire truck cake.
As you can see there is enough to keep you busy for days if you do every single activity in the book. There are also additional resources listed. They have books and websites that can help you gather more information as you teach your kids, use as many or as little as you want.
When I first saw the E-book I though that it was going to be a simple book aimed at younger kids and that it wouldn't have much for my girls who are 7 and 8. Boy was I surprised there was so much in-depth information included.
I was originally planning on using this as a supplement to a unit about people in your neighborhood. I wanted more in-depth information than we have covered in recent years. Well, I certainly got what I asked for, and I didn't have to do any extra work collecting and finding information and activities. I love that everything I needed or could want was already there in one resource. It saved me a tons of time and in the end saving me money as well.
I did not even use all the activities and worksheets included in the E-book. But I feel that I got my moneys worth. I am changing my lesson plans and I am planning on spending more time on different occupations. I can't wait to try some of the other E-books in the series.
I went through and read through the whole E-book when I first got it. This is what I do when I am planning. That way I know what will be covered and I can decide what to use from each resource. I printed out a head of time the worksheets that we were going to use so everything was ready to go. I did not print out the whole E-book as this would have taken a lot of paper and ink. Instead we read from the computer.
I like that the E-book is available to you as soon as you buy it. But I love to have an actual book to hold in my hands. My husband, Erik on the other hand, loves to read off the computer. So you will need to decide what is more important to you, the convenience of having it right away or the luxury of having a book to hold in your hand. You could of course print out the whole book, but I am too cheap to do that.
This is the first real E-book that we have used and I found that it wasn't as big of deal to me. It also made me realize that my girls don't have a lot of experience reading from a computer and it was a bit harder for them to follow along. I think that we will add more E-books into our lesson plans so they can become as fast at reading from the computer as they are from books.
I then went through and read with my girls taking turns reading. This helps my girls practice their reading and listening skills. I then had them fill out the reading comprehension worksheets.
You could either have them fill them out like I did or just talk about it. I try to have a blend of filling out worksheets so they can practice their writing and organizing their thoughts and getting it down on paper as well as practice organizing their thoughts and relaying information orally.
We then talked about the pay scale for firefighters and I had them complete the math worksheets. We did this in addition to Math U See and I had them complete the math worksheets on a day that was a review of a concept from Math U See. I also let them work together on the "firefighter math" as we called it. I have them do Math U See by them selves but if we have extra or fun math worksheets or activities I will usually let them work together on those.
I printed out one manuscript page and one cursive copy work page for each of them. They don't like to practice writing but I feel it is important so we do some. I try not to go overboard and therefore don't give them a lot of pages, especially if they are doing a lot of writing like filling in comprehension worksheets.
We then talked about robotics and firefighters and the science behind it. They also built their own robotic arm following the directions in the book, they had a blast doing that, Science is one of their favorite subjects.
We also did some firefighter arts and crafts which included making the fire truck from a shoe box as well as a diorama of a fire station. They also drew pictures and did a few other crafts that I came up with.
The girls want to have a firefighter party but we are in the process of moving so I'm not sure if we will be able to do this or not.
We did talk about how you need to be physically fit to be a firefighter. We did a few of the physical fitness games, the ones where you didn't need big groups, and if we could we modified the games to work with two kids. Like instead of having teams they worked either together or apart, racing against their own time.
I printed out a few coloring pages and the crosswords and word searches that I kept in the car and on hand for when we were going places or if they were waiting for the other sister to finish work they had something to work on while waiting. I also have a trip to a local fire station scheduled for this week to wrap up our firefighter week.
The girls learned a lot and had a great time doing it.
Unit Study
Friday, January 22, 2010
Butterfly Newsletter
The girls and I put together a fun little newsletter about butterflies. Check it out!
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Curriculum We Are Using
I know that I have not done a good job in updating this blog. Things have been crazy at our house.
One of my goals for this coming year is to update each of my blogs once a week, I figure that would be consistent enough for the reader and not so much pressure for me.
On the right hand side of the blog you can see a list of curriculum that we are using this year, when you click on them it will take you to the web page. Please note that a few are available on Amazon and I made note of that so please click on the amazon link under the curriculum links so we get credit for the clicks. Thanks!
I thought that I would say something about each of the curriculum that we have used so you can have an idea why we use it and why we like it. That being said, here goes:
American Girl Kirsten, I love the American Girls series and read them all when I was younger. I love to read them with my girls! The reason we started with Kirsten is because we had all her books--that's all the logic behind the choice! Anyway, if you click on the next link it will take you to a page where they have most of the American Girls series lapbooks. We are making the lapbook as we go. We have read book one and are almost done with book two. There are six books in the series with a couple mini books that they have come out with later. After we read that day we fill out a part of the lapbook.
A quick side note about lapbooks for those who are not familiar. Lapbooks are a great tool that I am trying to utilize more in my homeschool. A lapbook is a fun way for the child to organize the ideas they have learned--it's also a great thing to show grandparents, my husband, and other friends and family members to give them a quick overview of what we have been doing. They can then ask questions about the things on the lapbook and the child can "teach" them what they have learned. You use file folders for the base. To learn more about lapbooking check out homeschoolshare.
We used Exploration Education's Elementary Physical Science this year, and the girls loved it. We actually finished it the first semester because the girls were so excited, so we are now supplementing this second semester with other science activities. I really liked this curriculum as it was easy enough for the girls to do on their own. They start on the computer where they are introduced to the next science concept, they learn the definition and what it means. They then do a simple experiment to illustrate the concept, they computer program guides them step by step through this process. And then they do a worksheet to reinforce the concept. And one of the best things about this curriculum is that it comes with everything you need for each experiment, with the exception of scissors, pencils, crayons, etc--we kept a set of these in the box with the curriculum so it was easy to find.
We are using the Handwriting Without Tears for our manuscript practice as well as learning cursive. This program is good for those just starting and I wish I would have used this way back when my girls were first learning to write, the beginning is a bit simplistic for the girls and they got bored easily. This was easily fixed by not doing all the repetition. I got the manuscript as a way for them to practice and make their printing neater, so we only do a page or so. And I wanted something that would streamline into cursive which this seems to do nicely.
Magic School Bus A Journey Into The human Body, is our first supplemental science curriculum that we are using. I had bought these a year or so ago and they got lost on our shelves and they were rediscovered as I was packing for our move. We have just barely started this but the girls love it so far and are excited about continuing to use this set. This comes with a lot of the things you need but there is quite a list of more items that you will need to find to complete all the tasks.
Math U See, what can I say about Math U See I think that just saying "I LOVE IT" does not fully cover how much I love this curriculum. I always have struggled with Math and thus it was my hated subject growing up. But with this curriculum it has become so clear to me and I often tell Erik, my husband "Why didn't anyone teach it to me that way? It make perfect sense, now!" It is easy to learn and there are enough practice sheets that you can practice until you truly do get the concept or skip past all the practice if you get the concept. The girls sped through the second year curriculum and finished Beta the first semester. We are now moving onto Gamma the second semester. The whole concept of Math U See is to build it, say it and write it. Thus covering all the ways people learn, making sure that the technique you learn best is there and reinforcing it with the others. I would so recommend this curriculum to anyone who is having trouble with math.
Since we live in Southern California and part of our extended family speaks Spanish we decided to learn Spanish. And let me tell you Rosetta Stone is the best curriculum for learning a new language. I was really sceptical about how it would work especially since it costs so much but we are so pl;eased with it. The girls are learning Spanish at their speed and Erik and I are learning Spanish as well! I took four years of French in high school and I remember next to nothing but I am retaining the Spanish! Definitely try Rosetta Stone if you want to learn another language!
We love Signing Time! We were first introduced to it on PBS and we started recording the episodes on DVD but there was always a few we missed and it was such work to try and get them all and forget about getting them in order! So we jumped at the chance to buy the DVD set with the CDs that have all the songs on them. It is such a well done program that Erik and I are learning from it along with our girls, and we don't feel like it has been dumbed down for their benefit. We all now know a bunch of sign language and have gone on to but a sign language textbook to help with the signs that are not covered on the DVDs.
Spell to Write and Read, i did a post about this curriculum last year. I love this curriculum because after the initial investment you are ready to go for years to come! This has really helped the girls in spelling new words as well as sounding out new words they come across when reading.
This year I wanted to get History curriculum instead of trying to make my own. I just don't have enough hours in the day to do everything I want. So, I asked around and Story Of The World was one of the curriculum that came highly recommended. And now I see why. The text is written in a fun and easy to understand way, making this a great resource for my girls. It keeps their attention and they are not bored while reading the text. I remember to well the boring history texts that I had to read as a kid in school and how little I paid attention because my daydreams were much more exciting and because of that I can't tell you much about History. But this curriculum keeps my attention too and I find myself going "That really happened? I never knew that!" There are also great activities that go along with each section that the girls get to do as well as the worksheets and tests.
I think that I got most everything we are using. What curriculum are you using?
One of my goals for this coming year is to update each of my blogs once a week, I figure that would be consistent enough for the reader and not so much pressure for me.
On the right hand side of the blog you can see a list of curriculum that we are using this year, when you click on them it will take you to the web page. Please note that a few are available on Amazon and I made note of that so please click on the amazon link under the curriculum links so we get credit for the clicks. Thanks!
I thought that I would say something about each of the curriculum that we have used so you can have an idea why we use it and why we like it. That being said, here goes:
American Girl Kirsten, I love the American Girls series and read them all when I was younger. I love to read them with my girls! The reason we started with Kirsten is because we had all her books--that's all the logic behind the choice! Anyway, if you click on the next link it will take you to a page where they have most of the American Girls series lapbooks. We are making the lapbook as we go. We have read book one and are almost done with book two. There are six books in the series with a couple mini books that they have come out with later. After we read that day we fill out a part of the lapbook.
A quick side note about lapbooks for those who are not familiar. Lapbooks are a great tool that I am trying to utilize more in my homeschool. A lapbook is a fun way for the child to organize the ideas they have learned--it's also a great thing to show grandparents, my husband, and other friends and family members to give them a quick overview of what we have been doing. They can then ask questions about the things on the lapbook and the child can "teach" them what they have learned. You use file folders for the base. To learn more about lapbooking check out homeschoolshare.
We used Exploration Education's Elementary Physical Science this year, and the girls loved it. We actually finished it the first semester because the girls were so excited, so we are now supplementing this second semester with other science activities. I really liked this curriculum as it was easy enough for the girls to do on their own. They start on the computer where they are introduced to the next science concept, they learn the definition and what it means. They then do a simple experiment to illustrate the concept, they computer program guides them step by step through this process. And then they do a worksheet to reinforce the concept. And one of the best things about this curriculum is that it comes with everything you need for each experiment, with the exception of scissors, pencils, crayons, etc--we kept a set of these in the box with the curriculum so it was easy to find.
We are using the Handwriting Without Tears for our manuscript practice as well as learning cursive. This program is good for those just starting and I wish I would have used this way back when my girls were first learning to write, the beginning is a bit simplistic for the girls and they got bored easily. This was easily fixed by not doing all the repetition. I got the manuscript as a way for them to practice and make their printing neater, so we only do a page or so. And I wanted something that would streamline into cursive which this seems to do nicely.
Magic School Bus A Journey Into The human Body, is our first supplemental science curriculum that we are using. I had bought these a year or so ago and they got lost on our shelves and they were rediscovered as I was packing for our move. We have just barely started this but the girls love it so far and are excited about continuing to use this set. This comes with a lot of the things you need but there is quite a list of more items that you will need to find to complete all the tasks.
Math U See, what can I say about Math U See I think that just saying "I LOVE IT" does not fully cover how much I love this curriculum. I always have struggled with Math and thus it was my hated subject growing up. But with this curriculum it has become so clear to me and I often tell Erik, my husband "Why didn't anyone teach it to me that way? It make perfect sense, now!" It is easy to learn and there are enough practice sheets that you can practice until you truly do get the concept or skip past all the practice if you get the concept. The girls sped through the second year curriculum and finished Beta the first semester. We are now moving onto Gamma the second semester. The whole concept of Math U See is to build it, say it and write it. Thus covering all the ways people learn, making sure that the technique you learn best is there and reinforcing it with the others. I would so recommend this curriculum to anyone who is having trouble with math.
Since we live in Southern California and part of our extended family speaks Spanish we decided to learn Spanish. And let me tell you Rosetta Stone is the best curriculum for learning a new language. I was really sceptical about how it would work especially since it costs so much but we are so pl;eased with it. The girls are learning Spanish at their speed and Erik and I are learning Spanish as well! I took four years of French in high school and I remember next to nothing but I am retaining the Spanish! Definitely try Rosetta Stone if you want to learn another language!
We love Signing Time! We were first introduced to it on PBS and we started recording the episodes on DVD but there was always a few we missed and it was such work to try and get them all and forget about getting them in order! So we jumped at the chance to buy the DVD set with the CDs that have all the songs on them. It is such a well done program that Erik and I are learning from it along with our girls, and we don't feel like it has been dumbed down for their benefit. We all now know a bunch of sign language and have gone on to but a sign language textbook to help with the signs that are not covered on the DVDs.
Spell to Write and Read, i did a post about this curriculum last year. I love this curriculum because after the initial investment you are ready to go for years to come! This has really helped the girls in spelling new words as well as sounding out new words they come across when reading.
This year I wanted to get History curriculum instead of trying to make my own. I just don't have enough hours in the day to do everything I want. So, I asked around and Story Of The World was one of the curriculum that came highly recommended. And now I see why. The text is written in a fun and easy to understand way, making this a great resource for my girls. It keeps their attention and they are not bored while reading the text. I remember to well the boring history texts that I had to read as a kid in school and how little I paid attention because my daydreams were much more exciting and because of that I can't tell you much about History. But this curriculum keeps my attention too and I find myself going "That really happened? I never knew that!" There are also great activities that go along with each section that the girls get to do as well as the worksheets and tests.
I think that I got most everything we are using. What curriculum are you using?
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